Women's Health Report

This report highlights all of the work we have carried out so far.  

It includes feedback from our menopause event, responses from consultation surveys and identifies improvements to support services that are required locally which would improve experiences.

Women's Health Report

Blood, Sweats and Tears Menopause Event

On World Menopause day - 18 October 2023 we held this event at the Riverside Stadium in Middlesbrough.  Both professionals and members of the public were invited to this event which was filmed by Strive Academic Centre.  This is order for key information to continue to be utilised as a learning resource tool by relevant professionals and raise awareness to local people. 

Lisa Bosomworth - Project Lead opened the event and shared an emotional and heartfelt introduction about her own menopause experience. 

Introduction video (1 of 6)

There were 3 key speakers, click on their names for more information and to watch their videos: 

Dr Angela Wright(2 of 6) 

Alison Cullen(3 of 6) 

Sustain Nutrition(4 of 6) 

There were also stalls that showcased what other support is available across South Tees 

Support Services(5 of 6)  

At the end of the event attendee's were asked for their feedback which was captured in this final film 

 Feedback from attendees (6 of 6) 

Perimenopause & Menopause Information Pack

This information document explains the difference between Perimenopause and Menopause.  It has the most common symptoms, top tips and links to further resources. 

Perimenopause & Menopause Information Pack

HRT Prepayment Certificate

You can get an HRT prescription prepayment certificate (HRT PPC) from the NHS if you’ve been prescribed an eligible hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medicine.

Click here for more information and how to apply.

Click here to find out what medicines are included in the HRT PPC.

Click here to find out which medications are not covered using the HRT PPC.

Cycle of Change - Understanding Menopause

Menopause Support has created this free resource for you to read or download - Your essential guide to navigating menopause successfully.

You can also watch this five minute animated film that founder of Menopause Support, Diane Danzebrink, has produced - Click here

Cycle of Change - Understanding Menopause